Choosing Catholic Education
During these tough economic times, it is indeed a sacrifice to send your child to Catholic School, but the advantages make those sacrifices so very worthwhile! We appreciate this is not a decision to be taken lightly. Therefore, as you consider our school, we ask that you take a moment to reflect on the following five points originally published as: 5 Things Catholic Schools Continue to Get Right by Becky Roach, 2015 | Catholic Faith | Evangelization | Faith & Life | Family, 12/08/2015
1. God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ~ It’s not only okay to talk about God in a Catholic school, it’s encouraged. You can have a relationship with Jesus and not be ridiculed. The Holy Spirit’s presence is felt in the classroom. Walk into any Catholic school and you will be greeted with a statue of Jesus or the Holy Family. Crucifixes hang in every room. You can find prayers and Bible verses on the walls. The crafts the children do and the songs they sing often reflect the love of God that is being taught. Even if your Catholic school does not have a strong religious education program, these visual signs of the faith can still be found. Our children are soaked in an environment where the power of the Trinity is everywhere they look.
2. The Sacraments ~ Catholic schools offer additional opportunities for students to go to Mass, Confession, and Adoration. What greater gift can we are given our children than the ability to frequent the Sacraments as a part of their education? We recall what the Saints have said about going to Mass and Confession as often as possible. Our spiritual growth and development is more important than any lesson we learn in Algebra or English class. The Sacraments are the only earthly gifts that will last to eternity.
3. Community ~ Christians are often stereotyped as closed-minded, judgmental and hypocritical by a world that does not understand that all of the views of our faith are founded in the love of Christ. We give our children a gift when we allow them to form friendships with others who have the same moral values and standards that we do. There is a network of support in Catholic schools among children and parents because we are all pressing towards the same goal: Heaven. It is beneficial for children and teenagers to know that they are not alone in their beliefs.
4. Character building ~ Bullying is a hot button issue in education these days, yet Catholic schools have established programs for dealing with these issues long before the secular world. Catholic schools work to teach love, care and concern for others as a part of their curriculum. Community service projects, immersion trips and mission trips are encouraged for junior high and high school students. Virtues are instilled in the children. Respect, discipline, and diligence are necessary to meet the standards of the rigorous curriculum.
5. Devoted teachers and staff ~ It is common knowledge that teachers and employees in the public school system receive better pay and benefits, so why would anyone want to teach in a Catholic school? The teachers and staff who dedicate their time and attention to our students in Catholic schools have a mission and a call from God to instruct His children. They see their vocation as a way to serve and evangelize children by bringing them the love of Christ in the classroom. It is not merely for the pay that they teach. They authentically care about the education and the salvation of our children.
If you are uneasy about the school choice you have made for your children, spend some time in prayer and visit some of your local Catholic schools. The sacrifice to send your children may be steep, but the fruits of your discipline will be well worth it.
Author: Becky Roach, 2015